Thoughts on a Sunday Morning

Sunday mornings ought to be filled with joy. Ultimately, this past

Sunday was—and yet I could not escape what clouded my mind.

I pale in comparison to my father.

Aging has never been foreign to me. I would argue that I had to mature faster than most. At the same time, I undervalued the diverse dynamics between father and son.

My father carefully crafted me into the man that I am today. Amidst strife and trauma, we overcame any and all afflictions. The man that I suffered with and knelt before the foot of the Cross with, one that kept me in line and fortified my soul, now shakes my hand as a man. But what am I?

I am a good man, but no Alexander.

I suppose a son is expected to see his father in such a way. As I continue to age, so does he. As I move into a new chapter of my life, so does he. It is a mind boggling and outright perplexing dilemma to see myself as my father was.

I am traveling on the never-ending path towards holiness and ultimately eternal salvation. With that said, the comparison I make to my father only illuminates the praises that he seldomly receives.

As a man, I must shake his hand and carry on the road to the grave. It is my duty bestowed upon me by the Fourth Commandment that I must live my life in accordance with the rule placed upon my life.

The dynamic changes as people change; as it does as people age. For now, I’ll enjoy the beer as we both move closer and closer to the grave.

I pray by the grace of God, I may be half the man my father is today. I may be drawing near but I will always be on the path.

Jusqu’a demain ~

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